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The Fertilization guidelines can also be found on the UC Davis Nutrient Management website .
- Bassett, D.M., Anderson, W.D., Werkhoven, C.H.E., 1970. Dry matter production and nutrient uptake in irrigated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Agronomy Journal 62, 299-303.
- Bassett, D.M., MacKenzie, A.J., 1976. Plant analysis as a guide to cotton fertilization. In: Reisenauer, H.M. (Ed.) Soil and Plant-Tissue Testing in California. University of California Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1879. pp. 16-17.
- Bednarz, C.W., Harris, G.H., Shurley, W.D., 2000. Agronomic and economic analyses of cotton starter fertilizers. Agronomy Journal 92, 766-771.
- Cahill, S., Johnson, A., Osmond, D., Hardy, D., 2008. Response of corn and cotton to starter phosphorus on soils testing very high in phosphorus. Agronomy Journal 100, 537-542.
- California Plant Health Association, 2002. Western Fertilizer Handbook 9th edition. Interstate Publishers, Inc.
- Constable, G.A., Rochester, I.J., 1988. Nitrogen application to cotton on clay soil: timing and soil testing. Agronomy Journal 80, 498-502.
- Extension Cotton Team, 2012. 2012 Georgia cotton production guide.
- Fritschi, F.B., Roberts, B.A., Travis, R.L., Rains, D.W., Hutmacher, R.B., 2003. Response of irrigated Acala and Pima cotton to nitrogen fertilization: growth, dry matter partitioning, and yield. Agronomy Journal 95, 133-146.
- Fritschi, F.B., Roberts, B.A., Travis, R.L., Rains, D.W., Hutmacher, R.B., 2004. Seasonal nitrogen concentration, uptake, and partitioning pattern of irrigated Acala and Pima cotton as influenced by nitrogen fertility level. Crop Science 44, 516-527.
- Gerik, T.J., Oosterhuis, D.M., Torbert, H.A., 1998. Managing cotton nitrogen supply. Advances in Agronomy 64,115-147.
- Godfrey, L.D., Hutmacher, R.B., 2001. Interaction of cotton nitrogen fertility practices and cotton aphid population dynamics in California cotton. FREP Final Report.
- Guthrie, D.S., 1991. Cotton response to starter fertilizer placement and planting dates. Agronomy Journal 83, 336-839.
- Hutchinson, R.L., Howard, D.D., 1997. Response of no‐tillage and conventional‐tillage cotton to starter fertilization on loess soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition 20, 975-986.
- Hutmacher, R.B., 2012. California cotton: split or don't split nitrogen?
- Hutmacher, R.B., Travis, R.L., Rains, D.W., Vargas, R.N., Roberts, B.A., Weir, B.L., Wright, S.D., Munk, D.S., Marsh, B.H., Keeley, M.P., Fritschi, F.B., Munier, D.J., Nichols, R.L., Delgado, R., 2004. Response of recent Acala cotton varieties to variable nitrogen rates in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Agronomy Journal 96, 48-62.
- Hutmacher, R.B., Travis, R.L., Roberts, B.A., Keeley, M.P., Delgado, R., 2005. Residual soil nitrogen and nitrogen management for Acala cotton. FREP Final Report.
- Johnson Hake, S., Hake K.D., Kerby T.A., 1996c. Preplant-spring. In: Hake, S.J., Kerby T.A., Hake, K.D. (Eds.) Cotton Production Manual. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 3352. pp. 15-20.
- Johnson Hake, S., Hake K.D., Kerby T.A., 1996d. Prebloom decisions. In: Hake, S.J., Kerby T.A., Hake, K.D. (Eds.) Cotton Production Manual. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 3352. pp. 29-50.
- Johnson Hake, S., Hake K.D., Kerby T.A., 1996e. Early to mid-bloom decisions. In: Hake, S.J., Kerby T.A., Hake, K.D. (Eds.) Cotton Production Manual. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 3352. pp. 51-63.
- Johnson Hake, S., Hake K.D., Kerby T.A., 1996f. Mid- to late-bloom decisions. In: Hake, S.J., Kerby T.A., Hake, K.D. (Eds.) Cotton Production Manual. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 3352. pp. 64-72.
- Maples, R.J., and J.L. Keogh, 1973. Phosphorus fertilization experiments with cotton on Delta soils of Arkansas. Arkansas Agricultural Experimental Station Bulletin 781.
- Oosterhuis, D.M., Hake, K., Burmester, C., 1991. Foliar feeding cotton. Cotton Physiology Today 2, 1-8.
- Rains, W., Travis, R.L., Hutmacher, R., 2001. Nitrogen budget in California cotton cropping systems. FREP Final Report.
- Reddy, K.R., Hodges, H.F., Varco, J., 2000. Potassium nutrition of cotton. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1049.
- Roberts, R.K., Kenty, M.M., Thomas, J.M., Howard, D.D., 2006. Economic evaluation of soil and foliar applied nitrogen fertilization programs for cotton production. The Journal of Cotton Science 10, 193-200.
- Silvertooth, J.C., 2001. Agronomic guidelines for Pima cotton production in Arizona. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1242.
- Silvertooth, J.C., Edmisten, K.L., McCarthy, W.H., 1999. Production practices. In: Smith, C.W., Cothren, J.T. (Eds.) Cotton - Origin, History, Technology, and Production. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. pp. 451-488.
- Silvertooth, J.C., Norton, E.R., 2011. Management of fertilizer nitrogen in Arizona cotton production. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1243.
- Stewart, A.M., Edmisten, K. L., 1998. Cotton response to placement and rate of starter fertilizer. Journal of Plant Nutrition 21, 967-973.
- Touchton, J.T., Ricker, D.H., Burmester, C.H., Reeves, D.W., 1986. Starter fertilizer combinations and placement for conventional and no-tillage cotton. Journal of Fertilizer Issues 3, 91-98.
- Weir, B.L., Kerby, T.A., Hake, K.D., Roberts, B.A., Zelinski, L.J., 1996. Cotton fertility. In: Hake, S.J., Kerby T.A., Hake, K.D. (Eds.) Cotton Production Manual. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 3352. pp. 210-227.
- Weir, B., Miller, R., Hutmacher, R.B., Hufaker, R., Travis, R., Vargas, R., Munk, D., Wright, S., Roberts, B., Munier, D., 1997. Establishing updated guidelines for cotton nutrition.
- Wiedenfeld, B., Wallace, B.W., Hons, F., 2009. Indicators of cotton nitrogen status. Journal of Plant Nutrition 32, 1353-1370.
- Yang, G., Tang, H., Nie, Y., Zhang, X., 2011. Responses of cotton growth, yield, and biomass to nitrogen split application ratio. European Journal of Agronomy 35, 164-170.
- Yang, G., Tang, H., Tong, J., Nie, Y., Zhang, X., 2012. Effect of fertilization frequency on cotton yield and biomass accumulation. Field Crops Research 125, 161-166.
- Zelinski, L.J., 1985. Development of a soil nitrogen test for cotton. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conference, New Orleans, LA. National Cotton Council of America. pp. 304-306.
- Bassett, D.M., MacKenzie, A.J., 1976. Plant analysis as a guide to cotton fertilization. In: Reisenauer, H.M. (Ed.) Soil and Plant-Tissue Testing in California. University of California Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1879. pp. 16-17.
- Bednarz, C.W., Hopper, N.W., and Hickey, M.G., 1999. Effects of foliar fertilization of Texas southern high plains cotton: Leaf phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iron, manganese, boron, calcium, and yield distribution, Journal of Plant Nutrition 22, 863-875.
- Bednarz, C.W., Harris, G.H., Shurley, W.D., 2000. Agronomic and economic analyses of cotton starter fertilizers. Agronomy Journal 92, 766-771.
- Cahill, S., Johnson, A., Osmond, D., Hardy, D., 2008. Response of corn and cotton to starter phosphorus on soils testing very high in phosphorus. Agronomy Journal 100, 537-542.
- Cassman, K. G. 1993. Cotton. In Bennett, W. F. (Ed.) Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities in Crop Plants. APS Press, St. Paul, MN. pp. 111-119.
- Cooper, H.P., 1940. Nutritional deficiency symptoms in cotton. Proceedings of the Soil Science Society of America 4, 322-324.
- Dorahy, C.G., Rochester, I.J., and Blair, G.J., 2004. Response of field-grown cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) to phosphorus fertilization on alkaline soils in eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 42, 913-920.
- Extension Cotton Team, 2012. 2012 Georgia cotton production guide.
- Guthrie, D.S., 1991. Cotton response to starter fertilizer placement and planting dates. Agronomy Journal 83, 336-839.
- Halevy J., 1976. Growth rate and nutrient uptake of two cotton cultivars grown under irrigation. Agronomy Journal 68, 701-705.
- Hutchinson, R.L., Howard, D.D., 1997. Response of no‐tillage and conventional‐tillage cotton to starter fertilization on loess soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition 20, 975-986.
- Johnson Hake S., Hake K.D., Kerby T.A., 1996a. Postharvest-Fall. In: Hake, S.J., Kerby T.A., Hake, K.D. (Eds.) Cotton Production Manual. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 3352. p. 1-5.
- Johnson Hake, S., Hake, K.D., Kerby, T.A., 1996b. Preparation for the new crop season - fall/winter. In: Hake, S.J., Kerby T.A., Hake, K.D. (Eds.) Cotton Production Manual. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 3352. pp. 6-14.
- Johnson Hake, S., Hake K.D., Kerby T.A., 1996c. Preplant-spring. In: Hake, S.J., Kerby T.A., Hake, K.D. (Eds.) Cotton Production Manual. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 3352. pp. 15-20.
- Johnson Hake, S., Hake K.D., Kerby T.A., 1996d. Prebloom decisions. In: Hake, S.J., Kerby T.A., Hake, K.D. (Eds.) Cotton Production Manual. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 3352. pp. 29-50.
- Maples, R.J., and J.L. Keogh, 1973. Phosphorus fertilization experiments with cotton on Delta soils of Arkansas. Arkansas Agricultural Experimental Station Bulletin 781.
- Mikkelsen D.S., 1955. Cotton phosphate fertilization: New soil test provides reliable and easily applied diagnostic guide to quantity of available phosphate. California Agriculture 9, 7-15.
- Mullins, G.L., 1993. Cotton root growth as affected by P fertilizer placement. Fertilizer Research 34, 23-26.
- Norton, E.R. and Silvertooth, J.C., 2006. A review of 10 years of phosphorus fertility research in Arizona. Arizona Cotton Report 2006, 289-279.
- Reddy, K.R., Hodges, H.F., Varco, J., 2000. Potassium nutrition of cotton. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1049.
- Reisenauer, H.M., Quick, J., Voss, R.E., 1976. Soil test interpretive guides. In: Reisenauer, H.M. (Ed.) Soil and Plant-Tissue Testing in California. University of California Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1879. pp. 38-40.
- Rochester, I.J., 2010. Phosphorus and potassium nutrition of cotton: interaction with sodium. Crop and Pasture Science 61, 825-834.
- Stewart, A.M., Edmisten, K. L., 1998. Cotton response to placement and rate of starter fertilizer. Journal of Plant Nutrition 21, 967-973.
- Touchton, J.T., Ricker, D.H., Burmester, C.H., Reeves, D.W., 1986. Starter fertilizer combinations and placement for conventional and no-tillage cotton. Journal of Fertilizer Issues 3, 91-98.
- Weir, B.L., Kerby, T.A., Hake, K.D., Roberts, B.A., Zelinski, L.J., 1996. Cotton fertility. In: Hake, S.J., Kerby T.A., Hake, K.D. (Eds.) Cotton Production Manual. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 3352. pp. 210-227.
- Zelinski, L.J., 1985. Development of a soil nitrogen test for cotton. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conference, New Orleans, LA. National Cotton Council of America. pp. 304-306.
- Bassett, D.M., Anderson, W.D., Werkhoven, C.H.E., 1970. Dry matter production and nutrient uptake in irrigated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Agronomy Journal 62, 299-303.
- Bassett, D.M., MacKenzie, A.J., 1976. Plant analysis as a guide to cotton fertilization. In: Reisenauer, H.M. (Ed.) Soil and Plant-Tissue Testing in California. University of California Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1879. pp. 16-17.
- Bednarz, C.W., Harris, G.H., Shurley, W.D., 2000. Agronomic and economic analyses of cotton starter fertilizers. Agronomy Journal 92, 766-771.
- California Plant Health Association, 2002. Western Fertilizer Handbook 9th edition. Interstate Publishers, Inc.
- Cassman, K.G., Kerby, T.A., Roberts, B.A., Bryant, D.C., Higashi, S.L., 1990. Potassium nutrition effects on lint yield and fiber quality of Acala cotton. Crop Science 30, 672-677.
- Cooper, H.P., 1940. Nutritional deficiency symptoms in cotton. Proceedings of the Soil Science Society of America 4, 322-324.
- Dong, H., Kong, X., Li, W., Tang, W., Zhang, D., 2010. Effects of plant density and nitrogen and potassium fertilization on cotton yield and uptake of major nutrients in two fields with varying fertility. Field Crops Research 119, 106-113.
- Guthrie, D.S., 1991. Cotton response to starter fertilizer placement and planting dates. Agronomy Journal 83, 336-839.
- Halevy J., 1976. Growth rate and nutrient uptake of two cotton cultivars grown under irrigation. Agronomy Journal 68, 701-705.
- Halevy, J., Marani, A., Markovitz, T. 1987. Growth and NPK uptake of high-yielding cotton grown at different nitrogen levels in a permanent-plot experiment. Plant and Soil 103, 39-44.
- Hutchinson, R.L., Howard, D.D., 1997. Response of no‐tillage and conventional‐tillage cotton to starter fertilization on loess soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition 20, 975-986.
- Hutmacher, R.B., Keeley, M.P., Davis, K.R., Ayars, J.E., Peters, M.S., Vail, S.S., Covarrubias, J., Nevarez, A., 1999. Cotton root system in a clay loam soil: effects of growth stage, irrigation and nitrogen treatment. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference 1999, 637-640.
- Johnson Hake, S., Hake, K.D., Kerby, T.A., 1996b. Preparation for the new crop season - fall/winter. In: Hake, S.J., Kerby T.A., Hake, K.D. (Eds.) Cotton Production Manual. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 3352. pp. 6-14.
- Johnson Hake, S., Hake K.D., Kerby T.A., 1996c. Preplant-spring. In: Hake, S.J., Kerby T.A., Hake, K.D. (Eds.) Cotton Production Manual. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 3352. pp. 15-20.
- Johnson Hake, S., Hake K.D., Kerby T.A., 1996d. Prebloom decisions. In: Hake, S.J., Kerby T.A., Hake, K.D. (Eds.) Cotton Production Manual. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 3352. pp. 29-50.
- López, M., de Castro, A., Gutiérrez, J.C., and Leidi, E.O., 2010. Nitrate and potassium concentrations in cotton petiole extracts as influenced by nitrogen fertilization, sampling date and cultivar. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 8, 202-209.
- Marsh, B., Pettygrove, S., Southard, R., Roberts, B., Munk, D., Vargas, R., Hutmacher, B., 2003. Soil and plant sampling: key to potassium management. California Cotton Review 66, 8-9.
- Miller, R., Weir, B., Vargas, R., Wright, S., Travis, B., Roberts, B., Rains, B., Munk, D., Munier, D., and Kerby, M., 1996. Cotton potassium fertility guidelines for the San Joaquin Valley of California. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 21562.
- Oosterhuis, D.M. 2002. Potassium management of cotton. In: Pasricha, N.S., Bansal, S.K. (Eds.) Potassium for Sustainable Crop Production. International Potash Institute, Basel, Switzerland and Potash Research Institute of India, Gurgaon, Haryana. pp. 321-346.
- Pettygrove, G.S., Southard, R.J., 2003. Can we predict K fixation in the San Joaquin Valley from soil texture and mineralogy? FREP Final Report.
- Reddy, K.R., Hodges, H.F., Varco, J., 2000. Potassium nutrition of cotton. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1049.
- Rochester, I.J., 2010. Phosphorus and potassium nutrition of cotton: interaction with sodium. Crop and Pasture Science 61, 825-834.
- Sabbe, W.E., Zelinski, L.J., 1990. Plant analysis as an aid in fertilizing cotton. In: Westerman, R.L. (Ed.). Soil Testing and Plant Analysis. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI. pp. 469-493.
- Stromberg, K., 1960. Need for potassium fertilizer on cotton determined by leaf and soil analyses. California Agriculture 14, 4-5.
- Weir, B.L., Kerby, T.A., Hake, K.D., Roberts, B.A., Zelinski, L.J., 1996. Cotton fertility. In: Hake, S.J., Kerby T.A., Hake, K.D. (Eds.) Cotton Production Manual. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 3352. pp. 210-227.