Ongoing Projects
Fertilizer Research and Education Program
The following is a list of ongoing FREP projects; each title links to the project’s approved proposal and scope of work. Summaries of many of these projects are featured in previous FREP Conference Proceedings. These findings have not been subject to peer review and may be published by the relevant researchers in refereed academic journals.
- Copies of interim and annual project reports are available by contacting FREP at (916) 900-5022 or
- Robert Hutmacher, Steve Orloff, Steve Wright, and Mark Lundy
- Richard Smith, Michael Cahn, and T.K. Hartz
Phosphorus and Boron Fertilizer Impacts on Sweetpotato Production and Long-Term Storage (13-0266-SA)
C. Scott Stoddard
- Martin Burger and William R. Horwath
Characterizing N Fertilization Requirements of Crops Following Alfalfa (12-0385-SA)
Dan Putnam and Stu Pettygrove -
Determining the Fertilizer Value of Ambient Nitrogen in Irrigation Water (12-0455-SA)
Michael Cahn, Richard Smith, and T.K. Hartz -
Developing Nutrient Management Guides from FREP Research (12-0391-SA)
Renee Pinel - Charles A. Sanchez, Pedro Andrade-Sanchez, and Kurt Nolte
- William R. Horwath, Martin Burger, and Jeffery Mitchell
- Richard Smith and Mike Cahn
Fertigation Education for the San Joaquin Valley (12-0390-SA)
William Green and Kaomine Vang -
Improving Nitrogen Fertilizer Management in California (12-0392-SA)
Renee Pinel - James E. Ayars and Claude J. Phene
Optimizing the Use of Groundwater Nitrogen for Nut Crops (12-0454-SA)
David R. Smart, Patrick Brown, Thomas Harter, and Jan Hopmans
Assessment of Plant Fertility Requirements for Agricultural Crops in California (11-0485-SA)
William R. Horwath and Daniel Geisseler - Daniel H. Putnam
- Patrick Brown
- Charles A. Sanchez and Roberto Gaxiola
Improved Methods for Nutrient Tissue Testing in Alfalfa (11-0469-SA)
Steve Orloff and Daniel H. Putnam -
Nitrogen Fertilizer Loading to Groundwater in the Central Valley (11-0301-SA)
Steve Thomas Harter, et al. - David M. Crohn and Marsha Campbell Mathews
Remediation of Tile Drain Water Using Bioreactors (11-0462-SA)
T.K. Hartz, et al. - Judith Culbertson and Jenna Swenson
- Michael Delwiche
Chemistry, Fertilizer and the Environment - A Comprehensive Unit (10-0010-SA)
Judith Culbertson and Mandi Bottoms -
Development of a Nutrient Budget Approach to Fertilizer Management in Almond (10-0039-SA)
Patrick Brown -
Development of Leaf Sampling and Interpretation Methods for Almond and Pistachio (10-0015-SA)
Patrick Brown - Kitren Glozer and Chuck Ingels
Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Web-Based Software for Lettuce Production (10-0013-SA)
Michael Cahn - Renee Pinel and Henry Buckwalter
- Stuart Pettygrove and Randal J. Southard
- W.R. Horwath and G.S. Pettygrove
Improving Pomegranate Fertigation and Nitrogen Use Efficiency with Drip Irrigation Systems (09-0583)
James E. Ayars and Claude J. Phene - Dave Goorahoo, Charles F. Krauter, and William Salas
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