Fertilizer Inspection Advisory Board/Technical Advisory Subcommittee
The Fertilizer Inspection Advisory Board (FIAB) is a statutory body that is advisory to the CDFA secretary on matters pertaining to fertilizer issues, including FREP activities. The FIAB established the Technical Advisory Subcommittee (TASC) to advise the FIAB on matters related to the funding of FREP projects. The TASC serves as an expert scientific panel on matters concerning efficient use of fertilizing materials and irrigation water. TASC members assist in setting research priorities, review, and recommend research and outreach proposals to FIAB for funding, and advise of FREP activities.
Members: The TASC has at least nine members representing the major segments of the fertilizer industry, certified crop advisors, technical experts, farming community, public, and governmental agencies. Members must demonstrate technical, applied, and scientific expertise in the fields of agronomy, soil science, plant science, production agriculture, and/or environmental issues related to the inefficient use of fertilizers in California. One member shall be appointed from the membership of the FIAB.
Length of Term: Three years.
Member Commitment: The TASC meets three to four times per year. Meetings typically last all day and alternate between Sacramento and other locations throughout the state. Serving on the TASC also requires a time commitment outside of meetings. Members must read and critically evaluate pre-proposals (typically around 35, two-page proposals) and full proposals (typically around 10, fifteen-page proposals). In addition, TASC memb.
Vacancies: Filled for the 2025 term.
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Sacramento, CA 95814
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