Charles H. Pickett

Senior Environmental Scientist - Supervisor
California Department of Food and Agriculture
Biological Control Program
3294 Meadowview Road
Sacramento, CA 95832
(916) 262-2053
Curriculum Vitae
1985 - 1988 |
Post-doctoral research position, University of California, Davis |
1980 - 1985 |
Ph.D. Entomology, Texas A&M University |
1978 - 1980 |
Research scientist, Albany International Agricultural Division |
1976 - 1978 |
M.S. Botany, Arizona State University |
1973 - 1976 |
B.S. Biology, University of California, Irvine |
2007 - present |
Senior Environmental Scientist, California Department of Food and Agriculture |
1988 - 2007 |
Associate Environmental Research Scientist, California Department of Food and Agriculture |
2003 - present | Editor, Biocontrol Science and Technology |
- Biological Control of the Bagrada Bug in California. 2016-2018. Farm Bill.
- Biological Control of the Bagrada Bug, renewal. 2018-2021. Specialty Crops Block Grant Program.
- Biological Control of the Bagrada Bug. 2016-2019. Specialty Crops Block Grant Program.
- Biological Control of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, renewal. 2016-2019. Specialty Crops Block Grant Program.
- Biological Control of the Cereal Leaf Beetle in California. 2016-2018. Farm Bill.
- Biological Control of the Olive Fruit Fly. 2015-18. USDA APHIS CAPS agreement.
- Host Range Testing for the Olive Psyllid Parasitoid. 2015 - 2016. California Olive Council.
- Biological Control of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug. 2013-2016. Specialty Crops Block Grant Program.
- Biological Control of the Olive Fruit Fly. 2014-15. USDA APHIS CAPS agreement.
- Host Range Testing for the Olive Psyllid Parasitoid. 2014 - 2015. California Olive Council.
- Host Range Testing for the Olive Psyllid Parasitoid. 2012-2015. Specialty Crops Block Grant Program.
- Biological Control of the Olive Fruit Fly. 2013-14. USDA APHIS CAPS agreement.
- A Collaborative Research and Extension Network for Sustainable Organic Production Systems in Coastal California. USDA-OREI grants program 2011-2015.
- Colonization of Lygus nymphal parasitoids in the Monterey Bay Region. 2011-2012. Farm Bill.
- Host Range Testing for the Olive Psyllid Parasitoid. 2011 - 2012. California Olive Council.
- Integrating Biological, chemical, and cultural alternatives for control of Lygus hesperus in strawberries on the California central coast. CREES. 2007.
- Pest Management of Olive Fruit Fly, 2002-2011, USDA APHIS PPQ
- Colonization of Lygus nymphal parasitoids in the Monterey Bay Region. 2004. California Strawberry Commission.
- Release and Evaluation of parasitoids for the biological control of the olive Fly. 2004. University of California Exotic Plant Pests and Diseases Program.
- Biological Control of Olive Fruitfly. 2003. Olive Council of California Augmentative biological control of whiteflies using transplants. IPM Grants Program, California Department of Pesticide Regulation. 2001-2003.
- Releases of Parasites for the Biological Control of Lygus hesperus. 2002-2003.California Cotton Pest Control Board.
- Colonization of Lygus parasitoids in central California. 2003. Alfalfa Seed Board.
- Pickett, Charles H., Joe C. Ball, Kathleen C. Casanave, Karen Klonsky, Karen Jetter, Larry Bezark, and Steve E. Schoenig. 1996. Establishment of the Ash Whitefly Parasitoid, Encarsia inaron (Walker) and Its Economic Benefit to Ornamental Street Trees in California. Biological Control 6: 260-272.
- Pickett, C. H., S. E. Schoenig, and M. P. Hoffmann. 1996. Establishment of the Squash Bug Parasitoid, Trichopoda pennipes Fabr. (Diptera: Tachnidae), in northern California. Pan Pacific Entomologist. Pan-Pacific Entomol. 72: 220-226.
- Jetter, K, K. Klonsky, and C. H. Pickett. 1996. A cost/benefit analysis of the ash whitefly classical biological control program in California. J. Aboriculture 23: 65-72.
- Pickett, C. H., K. A. Casanave, S. E. Schoenig, and K. M. Heinz. 1999. Rearing Delphastus catalinae (Horn) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): practical experience and a modeling analysis. Can. Entomol. 131: 115-129
- Pickett, C. H. and M. J. Pitcairn. 1999. Classical Biological control of ash whitefly: factors contributing to its success in California. BioControl 44: 143-158.
- Heinz, K. M., J. R. Brazzle, M. P. Parrella, and C. H. Pickett. 2000. Field evaluations of augmentative releases of Delphastus catalinae (Horn) Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) for suppression of Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring (Homoptera:Aleyrodidae) infesting cotton. Biological Control 16: 241-251.
- Hoelmer, K. A. and C. H. Pickett. 2003. Geographic Origin and Taxonomic History of Delphastus spp. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Commercial Culture. Biocontrol Science and Technology 13: 529-535.
- Pickett, C. H. and R. Wall. 2003. Ash whitefly Siphoninus phillyreae (Haliday) (Homoptera:Aleyrodidae) and Encarsia inaron (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) in northern california: 1990-2000. Pan Pacific Entomologist: 79: 156-158.
- Pickett, C. H., G. Simmons, E. Lozano, and J. A. Goolsby. 2004. Augmentative biological control of whiteflies using transplants. Biocontrol 49(6): 665-688.
- Pickett, C. H., William Roltsch, and A. Corbett. 2004. The Role of Natural Enemy Refuges in the Establishment and Movement of Silverleaf Whitefly Parasitoids. Special Edition, Inter. J. Pest Management 50: 183-191.
- Goolsby, J. A., P. J. De Barro, A. A. Kirk, R. Sutherst, L. Canas, M. Ciomperlik, P. Ellsworth, J. Gould, D. Hartley, K. A. Hoelmer, S. J. Naranjo, M. Rose, W. Roltsch, R. Ruiz, C. Pickett, and D. Vacek. 2005. Post-release evaluation of the biological control of Bemisia tabaci biotype “B” in the USA and the development of predictive tools to guide introductions for other countries. Biological Control 32(1): 70-77.
- Pickett, C. H., R. Rodriguez, J. Brown, D. Coutinot, K. A. Hoelmer, U. Kuhlmann, J. Goulet, M. D. Schwartz, and P. B. Goodell. 2007. Establishment of Peristenus digoneutis and P. relictus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in California for the control of Lygus spp. (Heteroptera: Miridae). Biocontrol Science and Technology, 17:261-272
- Sime, K. R., K. M. Daane, H. Nadel, C. S. Funk, R. H. Messing, J. W. Andrews Jr., M. W. Johnson, and C. H. Pickett. 2006. Diachasmimorpha longicaudata and D. kraussii (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), potential parasitoids of the olive fruit fly. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 169-179.
- Sime, K. R., K. M. Daane, J. W. Andrews, Fr., K. Hoelmer, C. H. Pickett, H. Nadel, M. W. Johnson, and R. H. Messing. 2006. The biology of Bracon celer, as a parasitoid of the olive fruit fly. Biocontrol, 51:553-567.
- Hoelmer, K. A., A. A. Kirk, and C. H. Pickett. 2007. Ecology of the olive fruit fly and its parasitoids in wild olives in Southern Africa, In Hopper K. R., Kester, K. M. Hoelmer, K. A. XIV International Entomolphagous Insects Workshop. 25 pp. J. Insect Science 7: 16.
- Daane, K. K. R. Sime, Xin-geng Wang, H. Nadel, M. W. Johnson, V. M. Walton, C. H. Pickett, and A. Kirk. 2008. Psyttalia lounsburyi (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), promising biological control agent for the olive fruit fly in California. Biological Control, 44: 79-89
- Johnson, M. W., K. M. Daane, K. Sime, H. Nadel, C. H. Pickett, and X-G. Wang. 2008. Classical biological control introductions to manage olive fruit fly. Biocontrol News and Information, 29 (1): 3N-4N.
- Wang, X-G., H. Nadel, M. W. Johnson, K. M. Daane, K. Hoelmer, V. M. Walton, C. H. Pickett, and K. R. Sime. 2008. Crop domestication relaxes both top-down and bottom-up effects on a specialist herbivore. Basic and Applied Ecology, 10: 216-227.
- Bon, M. C., W. Jones, C. Hurard, A. Loiseau, N. Ris, C. Pickett, A. Estoup, and X. Fauvergue. 2008. Identification of 21 polymorphic microsatellites in the African parasitoid wasp, Psyttalia lounsburyi (Silvestri) (Hymenoptera : Braconidae). Molecular Ecology Resources, doi: 10.111/j.1755 – 0998.2008.02120.x
- Pickett, C. H., S. L. Swezey, D. J. Nieto, J. A. Bryer, M. Erlandson, H. Goulet, and M. D. Schwartz. 2009. Colonization and establishment of Peristenus relictus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) for control of Lygus spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) in strawberries on the California Central Coast. Biological Control: 49: 27-37.
- Nadel, H. K. M. Daane, K. A. Hoelmer, C. H. Pickett, and M. W. Johnson. 2009. Non-target host risk assessment of the idiobiont parasitoid Bracon celer (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) for biological control of olive fruit fly in California. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 19: 701-716.
- Daane, Km. M. M. W. Johnson, C. H. Pickett, K. R. Sime, X-G Wang, H. Nadel, J. W. Andrews Jr. and K. A. Hoelmer. 2011. Biological controls investigated to aid management of olive fruit fly in California. California Agriculture, 65 January-March 2011: 21-28.
- Hoelmer, K. M., A. A. Kirk, C. H. Pickett, K. M. Daane, and M. W. Johnson. 2011. Prospects for improving biological control of olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae), with introduced parasitoids (Hymenoptera). Biocontrol Science and Technology, 21: 1005-1025.
- Wang, X-G, M. W. Johnson, V. Y. Ykoyama, C. H. Pickett, and K. M. Daane. 2011. Comparative evaluation of two olive fruit fly parasitoids under varying abiotic conditions. Biocontrol, 56: 283-293.
- Johnson, M. W., K. M. Daane, X-G Wang, V. Y. Yokoyama, C. H. Pickett, K. A. Hoelmer, and A. A. Kirk. 2012. Biological control of olive fruit fly. Integrated Protection of Olive Crops, IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 79: 63-69.
- Pickett, C. H., D. Keaveny, and M. Rose. 2013. Spread and non-target effects of Eretmocerus mundus imported into California for the control of Bemisia tabaci: 2002-2011. Biological Control, 65: 6-13.
- Swezey, S. L., D. J. Nieto, J. R. Hagler, C. H. Pickett, J. A. Bryer, and S. A. Machtley. 2013. Dispersion, distribution and movement of Lygus spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) in trap-cropped organic strawberries. Environmental Entomologist,42: 770-778.
- Wang, X-G, K. Levy, H. Nadel., M. W. Johnson, A. Blanchet, Y. Argov, C. H. Pickett, and K. M. Daane. 2013. Overwintering survival of olive fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) and two introduced parasitoids in California. Environment Entomology, 42: 467-476.
- Pickett, C. H., D. J. Nieto, J. A. Bryer, S. L. Swezey, M. Stadtherr, D. Wisheropp, M. Erlandson, and M. Pitcairn. 2013. Post-release dispersal of the introduced lygus bug parasitoid Peristenus relictus in California. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 23: 861-871.
- Swezey, S. L., D. J. Nieto, J. R. Hagler, C. H. Pickett, J. A. Bryer, and S. A. Machtley. 2013. Dispersion, distribution, and movement of Lygus spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) in trap-cropped organic strawberries. Environmental Entomologist, 42: 770-778.
- Daane, K., X-G Want, D. Diego, C. Pickett, K. Hoelmer, A. Blanchet, and M. Johnson. 2015. Classic biological control of olive fruit fly in Calfiornia: release and recovery of introduced parasitoid. Biocontrol, 60:317-330.
- Triapitsyn, S. V., J. M. L. Jones, C. H. Pickett, M. L. Buffington, P. F. Rugman-Jones, K. M. Daane. 2014. Description of the male Psyllaephagus euphyllurae (Masi) (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae), a parasitoid of the olive psylla, Euphyllura olivina (Costa) (Hemiptera, Liviidae), with notes on its reproductive traits and hyperparasitoids. J. Entomological and Acarological Research 46: 112-118.
- Bon, Marie-Claude, K. Hoelmer, C. H. Pickett, A. Kirk, Y He, R. Mahmood, and K. Daane. 2016. Populations of Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) and its parasitoids in Himalayan Asia. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 109: 81-91.
- Lara, J., C. Pickett, C. Ingels, D. R. Haviland, E. Grafton-Cardwell, D. Doll, J. Bethke, B. Faber, S. K. Dara, and M. Hoddle. 2016. Biological control program is being developed for brown marmorated stink bug. California Agriculture, January – March 2016.
- Jones, M. L. , C. H. Pickett, S. V. Triapitsyn, and M. S. Hoddle. 2016. New host record for Psyllaephagus pulchellus (Barcia Mercet, 1921) (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) as a parasitoid of the olive psyllid, Euphyllura olivina (Costa, 1839) (Hemiptera, Liviidae), in Spain. Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología, 40: 67-84.
- Dowell, R. V. and C. H. Pickett. 2016. The cereal leaf beetle, Oulema melanopus Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in California: detection and response (Scientific Note). The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 92(3): 1-3.
- Abram, P. K. et al. (plus 49 co-authors including C. H. Pickett. 2017. Indigenous arthropod natural enemies of the invasive brown marmorated stink bug in North America and Europe. Journal of Pest Science (Review). DOI 10.1007/s10340-017-0891-7. Published online 08 June 2017.
- L-Spina, M. C. Pickett, K. M. Daane, K. Hoelmer, A. Blanchet, and L. Williams. 2017. Effect of exposure time on mass-rearing production of the olive fruit fly parasitoid, Psyttalia lounsburyi (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). J. Appl. Entomol. 1-8. DOI: 10.1111/jen.12478.
- Pickett, C. H., D. J. Nieto, J. A. Bryer, S. L. Swezey, M. Stadtherr. 2017. Long term post-release impacts of the introduced parasitoid Peristenus relictus (Hymenoptera; Braconidae) on Lygus spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) populations in California. Biological Control 114: 30-38.
- Lara, J. R., C. Pickett, E. Hannon, L. Gonzalez, S. Figueroa, M. Romo, C. Cabanas, V. Bazurto, V. Strode, K. Briseno, M. Lewis, J. Corso, M. Atkinson, M. Hoddle. Trouble Comes in pairs: Invasive Stink Bugs in California. 2018. CAPCA.
- Lara, R. , C. H. Pickett, M. T. Kamiyama, S. Figueroa, M. Romo, C. Cabanas, V. Bazurto, V. Strode, K. Briseno, M. Lewis, J. Oliva, G. Hernandez, Hoddle. 2019. Physiological host range of Trissolcus japonicus in relation to Halyomorpha halys and other pentatomids from California. Biocontrol, In Press.
- Hougardy, E., X. Wang, B. N. Hogg, M. W. Johnson, K. M. Daane, and C. H. Pickett. 2020. Current distribution of the olive psyllid, Euphyllura olivina, in California and initial evaluation of the Mediterranean parasitoid Psyllaephagus euphyllurae as a biological control candidate. Insects 2020, 11, 146, doi: 10:3390/Insects11030146
- Pickett, C.H., C.J. Borkent, R. Wilson, M. Stadtherr, & V. Popescu. 2021. Introduction of the cereal leaf beetle parasitoid Tetrastichus julis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) into California. Biocontrol Science and Technology,
- Pickett, C.H., C.J. Borkent, V. Popescu, D. Lightle, B. Hogg & I. Grettenberger. 2021. New insights into predation through imaging, Biocontrol Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/09583157.2021.1990856
- Pickett, C. H., C. Borkent, K. Daane, and V. Popescu. 2021. Biological control of the olive psyllid in California. CAPCA Adviser 24(4): 36-39.
- Pickett, C. H. and R. L. Bugg (Eds.). 1998. Enhancing Biological Control: Habitat Management to Promote Natural Enemies of Agricultural Pests. University of California Press, Berkeley, California. 422 pp.
- Murphy, Brook C., Charles H. Pickett, Jay A. Rosenheim, Robert V. Dowell & Jeffrey Granett. 1998. Measuring the Impact of a Natural Enemy Refuge: The Prune Tree / Vineyard Example In C. H. Pickett and R. L. Bugg (Eds.), Enhancing Biological Control: Habitat Management to Promote Natural Enemies of Agricultural Pests. University of California Press, Berkeley, California, 423 pp.
- Pickett, C. H., G. S. Simmons, and J. A. Goolsby. 2008. Releases of exotic parasitoids of Bemisia tabaci in San Joaquin Valley, California, In Gould, Juli, Kim Hoelmer and John Goolsby (eds.), Classical Biological Control of Bemisia tabaci in the United States: a Review of Interagency Research and Implementation. Vol. 4, Progress in BiologicalControl (H.M.T. Hokkanen, series ed.). Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands.
- G. S. Simmons. C. Pickett, J. Goolsby, J. Brown, J. Gould, K. Hoelmer, and A. Chavarria. 2008. Mass-rearing Bemisia parasitoids for support of classical and augmentative biological control programs, pp. 161-178. In. J. Gould, K. Hoelmer, J. Goolsby (Eds.) Classical Biological Control of Bemisia tabaci in the United States, A Review of Interagency Research and Implementation, Springer
- C. H. Pickett, G. S. Simmons, and J. A. Goolsby. 2008. Releases of exotic parasitoids of Bemisia tabaci in San Joaquin Valley, California, 225-242. In J. Gould, K. Hoelmer, J. Goolsby (Eds.) Classical Biological Control of Bemisia tabaci in the United States, A Review of Interagency Research and Implementation, Springer.
- W. J. Roltsch, C. H. Pickett, G. S. Simmons, and K. A. Hoelmer. 2008. Habitat management for the establishment of Bemisia natural enemies. Pp. 243-258. In J. Gould, K. Hoelmer, J. Goolsby (Eds.) Classical Biological Control of Bemisia tabaci in the United States, A Review of Interagency Research and Implementation, Springer
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Integrated Pest Control Branch
Biological Control Program
3294 Meadowview Road
Sacramento, CA 95832
Biological Control Program
3294 Meadowview Road
Sacramento, CA 95832