Antimicrobial Use and Stewardship

CDFA-AUS  •  1220 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814  •  916-576-0300

California Veterinary Shortage Needs

The VMLRP application period for 2025 is now on hold.


(As of January 27, 2025)

USDA funding under review thmb

At this time all NIFA Requests for Applications are currently under review. Check back for updates or subscribe to NIFA Funding Opportunities for email updates as they happen. Regarding all grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements, as we (USDA NIFA) await further guidance, we are asked to pause issuance of grant funding during the transition of government.

Are you a veterinarian looking for veterinary education loan repayment help? If so, jump to the VMLRP section below.
Are you a veterinarian looking for financial assistance in your practice that will serve a veterinary shortage area? If so, jump to the VSGP section below.

Nominate your area!

You can help guide CDFA’s efforts to nominate veterinary shortage areas for USDA’s Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program (VMLRP). The program helps qualified veterinarians offset a significant portion of the debt incurred in pursuit of their veterinary medicine degrees in return for their service in certain high-priority veterinary shortage situations.

California hand pointer

Recommend your area for nomination to the CA Department of Agriculture. The State Veterinarian reviews nominations submitted from local areas, regions or counties, and puts forward up to 8 nominations to the VMLRP program. Please contact us at with a description of your specific food animal service shortage.

* Note: Nominating a shortage area to CDFA does not guarantee selection by the NIFA review committee.

VMLRP - USDA NIFA Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program

USDA NIFA – Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program (VMLRP) is open for applications. This program helps qualified veterinarians offset a portion of the debt incurred in pursuit of their veterinary medicine degrees (up to $40,000/year and a maximum of $120,000/contract) in return for 3 years of service in certain high-priority veterinary shortage situations. To view the designated shortage areas in California, please click here.

There are 3 categories of service shortages:

3 categories of service shortages

In order to receive this assistance, awardees will have to provide proof of service in the area, and funding may only be used to help alleviate veterinary school debt.

VSGP - USDA NIFA Veterinary Services Grant Program

USDA NIFA – Veterinary Services Grant Program is opening soon for applications. VSGP is designed to support practice enhancement initiatives, as well as education and extension activities, that will enable veterinarians, veterinary students, veterinary technicians, and veterinary technician students to gain specialized skills and provide practices with additional resources needed to more effectively mitigate veterinary service shortages in the United States. This program works hand-in-hand with the VMLRP in providing support funds for practices needing help, but without the limitation of solely funding educational loans. Previous awardees have used funds for expanding their practice, such as supplying veterinary offices with necessary equipment, sharing in reasonable directs costs of operating a qualifying veterinary practice, or establishing mobile veterinary facilities. For further information about applying, please click here.

VSGP Application Overview - A brief overview of the VSGP Rural Practice Enhancement Program and application process. CDFA AUS is happy to guide prospective applicants through the process. Please reach out by mid-November for maximum support, but all interest is welcome!

  Important dates to remember!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to nominate* a veterinary shortage area?
As the State Veterinarian is responsible for gathering and composing the application, we are seeking information from county and local representatives who know their regions better than we do.
What is the State Veterinarian’s role?
The State Veterinarian reviews nominations submitted from local areas, regions or counties, and puts forward up to 8 nominations to the VMLRP program. USDA’s  VMLRP program reviews applications nationwide and makes the selections. States, including California, have no role in the actual selection process.
For more information on applying, please refer to USDA NIFA’s VMLRP Frequently Asked Questions for Applicants website.