California Crop Fertilization Guidelines

A collaboration between CDFA, FREP and UC Davis


The Fertilization guidelines can also be found on the UC Davis Nutrient Management website .



  1. Bendixen, W., 1998. Evaluation of controlled release fertilizers and fertigation in strawberries and vegetables. FREP Final Report.
  2. Breschini, S.J., Hartz, T.K., 2002. Drip irrigation management affects celery yield and quality. HortScience 37, 894-897.
  3. Buchanan, M., 2001. Evaluating and demonstrating the effectiveness of in-field nitrate testing for drip and sprinkler irrigated vegetables. FREP final report.
  4. Cahn, M., Hartz, T., 2012. Irrigation and nitrogen management web-based software for lettuce production. FREP Conference Proceedings 2012, 18-22.
  5. Daugovish, O., Smith, R., Cahn, M., Koike, S., Smith, H., Aguiar, J., Quiros, C., Cantwell, M., Takele, E., 2008. Celery production in California. UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 7220.
  6. Feigin, A., Letey, J., Jarrell, W.M., 1982a. Celery response to type, amount, and method of N-fertilizer application under drip irrigation. Agronomy Journal 74, 971-977.
  7. Feigin, A., Letey, J., Jarrell, W.M., 1982b. Nitrogen utilization efficiency by drip irrigated celery receiving preplant or water applied N fertilizer. Agronomy Journal 74, 978-983.
  8. Hartz, T., 1998. Evaluation of pre-sidedress soil nitrate testing to determine N requirements of cool season vegetables. FREP Final Report.
  9. Hartz, T. 2000. Drip irrigation and fertigation management of celery. Vegetable Research and Information Center, Celery Grower Guidelines 2000.
  10. Hartz, T.K., 2006. Vegetable production best management practices to minimize nutrient loss. HortTechnology 16, 398-403.
  11. Hartz, T.K., 2007. Efficient nitrogen management for cool-season vegetables.
  12. Hartz, T.K., Bendixen, W.E., Wierdsma, L., 2000. The value of presidedress soil nitrate testing as a nitrogen management tool in irrigated vegetable production. HortScience 35, 651–656.
  13. Hartz, T.K., Smith, R.F., 2009. Controlled-release fertilizer for vegetable production: The California experience. HortTechnology 19, 20-22.
  14. Hartz, T., Smith, R., 2012. In-season soil nitrate testing explained. UCCE Monterey County Crop Notes July/August 2012, 6-7.
  15. Hartz, T.K., Smith, R.F., Schulbach, K.F., LeStrange, M., 1994. On-farm nitrogen tests improve fertilizer efficiency, protect groundwater. California Agriculture 48(4), 29-32.
  16. Hemphill, D., 2010. Celery. Oregon State University Department of Horticulture.
  17. Holden, D., 2015. Nitrogen reduction project, Oxnard, California, Final Report. California Celery Research Advisory Board Fall-Winter 2014-2015.
  18. Janes, B.E., 1959. Effect of available soil moisture on root distribution, soil moisture extraction and yield of celery. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 74, 526-538.
  19. Santamaria, P., Elia, A., Serio, F., Gonnella, M., Parente, A., 1999. Comparison between nitrate and ammonium nutrition in fennel, celery, and Swiss chard. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 22, 1091-1106.
  20. Smith, R., 2012. Nitrification inhibitors and controlled release fertilizers.
  21. Stark, J.C., Jarrell, W.M., Letey, J., 1982. Relationship between growth and nitrogen fertilization of celery. HortScience 17, 754-755.
  22. Takele, E., Daugovish, O., Vue, M., 2013. Costs and profitability analysis for celery production in the Oxnard Plain, Ventura County, 2012-2013. UC ANR Cost Study.
  23. University of California Small Farms Program, 2012. Fertilizing vegetables: Celery.
  24. Van Wassenhove, F.A., Dirinck, P.J., Schamp, N.M., Vulsteke, G.A., 1990. Effect of nitrogen fertilizers on celery volatiles. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 1990, 220-226.
  25. Wallace, T., 1943. The diagnosis of mineral deficiencies in plants by visual symptoms. His Majesty’s Stationery Office, London.
  26. Welch, N.C., Tyler, K.B., Ririe, D., Broadbent, F.E., 1979. Nitrogen stabilization in the Pajaro Valley in lettuce, celery, and strawberries. California Agriculture 33(9), 12-13.
  27. Welch, N.C., Tyler, K.B., Ririe, D., Broadbent, F.E., 1985. Nitrogen rates and nitrapyrin influence on yields of brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and celery. HortScience 20, 1110-1112.


  1. Buchanan, M., 2001. Evaluating and demonstrating the effectiveness of in-field nitrate testing for drip and sprinkler irrigated vegetables. FREP final report.
  2. California Plant Health Association, 2002. Western Fertilizer Handbook 9th edition. Interstate Publishers, Inc.
  3. Daugovish, O., Smith, R., Cahn, M., Koike, S., Smith, H., Aguiar, J., Quiros, C., Cantwell, M., Takele, E., 2008. Celery production in California. UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 7220.
  4. Espinoza, L., Sanchez, C.A., Schueneman, T.J., 1993. Celery yield responds to phosphorus rate but not phosphorus placement on Histosols. HortScience 28, 1168-1170.
  5. Feigin, A., Letey, J., Jarrell, W.M., 1982a. Celery response to type, amount, and method of N-fertilizer application under drip irrigation. Agronomy Journal 74, 971-977.
  6. Feigin, A., Letey, J., Jarrell, W.M., 1982b. Nitrogen utilization efficiency by drip irrigated celery receiving preplant or water applied N fertilizer. Agronomy Journal 74, 978-983.
  7. Hartz, T.K., 2006. Vegetable production best management practices to minimize nutrient loss. HortTechnology 16, 398-403.
  8. Hartz, T.K., 2007a. Efficient nitrogen management for cool-season vegetables.
  9. Hartz, T.K., 2007b. Soil testing for nutrient availability: Procedures and interpretation for California vegetable crop production. UC Vegetable Research and Information Center.
  10. Hemphill, D., 2010. Celery. Oregon State University Department of Horticulture.
  11. Janes, B.E., 1959. Effect of available soil moisture on root distribution, soil moisture extraction and yield of celery. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 74, 526-538.
  12. Pettygrove, S., Hartz, T., Hanson, B., Jackson, L., Smith, R., Lockhart, T., Grattan, S., 2003. Nutrient management in cool-season vegetables. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication 8098.
  13. Reisenauer, H.M., Quick, J., Voss, R.E., 1976. Soil test interpretive guides. In: Reisenauer, H.M. (Ed.). Soil and Plant-Tissue Testing in California. University of California Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1879. pp. 38-40.
  14. Smith, R., Cahn, M., Hartz, T., 2009. Farming closer to the edge. Monterey County Crop Notes July/August 2009, p. 4-6.
  15. Takele, E., Daugovish, O., Vue, M., 2013. Costs and profitability analysis for celery production in the Oxnard Plain, Ventura County, 2012-2013. UC ANR Cost Study.
  16. United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service. QuickStats. Accessed January, 2016.
  17. University of California Small Farms Program, 2012. Fertilizing vegetables: Celery.
  18. Wallace, T., 1943. The diagnosis of mineral deficiencies in plants by visual symptoms. His Majesty’s Stationery Office, London.
  19. Zandstra, B.H., 1986. Commercial Vegetable Recommendations: Celery. Michigan State University Cooperative Extension Service E-1308.


  1. Buchanan, M., 2001. Evaluating and demonstrating the effectiveness of in-field nitrate testing for drip and sprinkler irrigated vegetables. FREP final report.
  2. California Plant Health Association, 2002. Western Fertilizer Handbook 9th edition. Interstate Publishers, Inc.
  3. Daugovish, O., Smith, R., Cahn, M., Koike, S., Smith, H., Aguiar, J., Quiros, C., Cantwell, M., Takele, E., 2008. Celery production in California. UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 7220.
  4. Feigin, A., Letey, J., Jarrell, W.M., 1982a. Celery response to type, amount, and method of N-fertilizer application under drip irrigation. Agronomy Journal 74, 971-977.
  5. Feigin, A., Letey, J., Jarrell, W.M., 1982b. Nitrogen utilization efficiency by drip irrigated celery receiving preplant or water applied N fertilizer. Agronomy Journal 74, 978-983.
  6. Hartz, T.K., 2006. Vegetable production best management practices to minimize nutrient loss. HortTechnology 16, 398-403.
  7. Hartz, T.K., 2007a. Efficient nitrogen management for cool-season vegetables.
  8. Hartz, T.K., 2007b. Soil testing for nutrient availability: Procedures and interpretation for California vegetable crop production. UC Vegetable Research and Information Center.
  9. Inthichack, P., Nishimura, Y., Fukumoto, Y., 2012. Effect of potassium sources and rates on plant growth, mineral absorption, and the incidence of tip burn in cabbage, celery and lettuce. Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology 53, 135-142.
  10. Janes, B.E., 1959. Effect of available soil moisture on root distribution, soil moisture extraction and yield of celery. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 74, 526-538.
  11. Reisenauer, H.M., Quick, J., Voss, R.E., 1976. Soil test interpretive guides. In: Reisenauer, H.M. (Ed.). Soil and Plant-Tissue Testing in California. University of California Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1879. pp. 38-40.
  12. Schneider, R.W., 1985. Suppression of fusarium yellows of celery with potassium, chloride, and nitrate. Phytopathology 75, 40-48.
  13. Smith, R., Cahn, M., Hartz, T., 2009. Farming closer to the edge. Monterey County Crop Notes July/August 2009, p. 4-6.
  14. Smith, R., Pettygrove, S., 2011. Potassium fertility of Salinas Valley soils. Salinas Valley Agriculture.
  15. Wallace, T., 1943. The diagnosis of mineral deficiencies in plants by visual symptoms. His Majesty’s Stationery Office, London.
  16. Zink, F.W., 1966. Celery growth and nutrient absorption studies. California Agriculture 20 (7), 10-10.