California Crop Fertilization Guidelines

A collaboration between CDFA, FREP and UC Davis


The Fertilization guidelines can also be found on the UC Davis Nutrient Management website .



  1. Beede, B., 2014. March, 2014 tasklist for pistachios. UCCE Kings County Newsletter.
  2. Beede, B., 2014. May, 2014 Orchard task list for pistachios.
  3. Beede, B., Kallsen, C., 2008. How do I develop a sound pistachio nutrition management program?
  4. Beede, R.H., Brown, P., Kallsen, C., Weinbaum, S.A., 2005. Diagnosing and correcting nutrient deficiencies. In: Ferguson, L. (Ed.) Pistachio Production Manual, 4th Edition. pp. 147-157.
  5. Brown, P., Siddiqui, I., 2012. Development of leaf sampling and interpretation methods for pistachio and development of a nutrient budget approach to fertilizer management in pistachio. Pistachio Project Final Report.
  6. Brown, P., Siddiqui, I., 2013. Update 2013: Managing pistachio nutrition: Overview. Findings & recommendations.
  7. Brown, P.H., Weinbaum, S.A., Picchioni, G.A., 1995. Alternate bearing influences annual nutrient consumption and the total nutrient content of mature pistachio trees. Trees 9, 158-164.
  8. Doll, D., 2010. Tips for maximizing nitrogen use efficiency for almond.
  9. Ferguson, L., 1985. Effect of foliar urea applications on leaf nitrogen content and bud retention in pistachio. In: Pistachio Industry Annual Report 1985. pp. 94-95.
  10. Gonzalez, V., Uriu, K., 1995. Nutritional deficiency symptoms in pistachio. In: California Pistachio Industry Annual Report 1995. pp. 69-73.
  11. Gonzalez, V., Uriu, K., Crane, J., 1993. Development of nutritional deficiency symptoms in pistachio. In: California Pistachio Industry Annual Report 1993. pp. 78.
  12. Holtz, B., 2010. Fertilizing one-year old trees – Be careful!
  13. Lovatt, C.J., Daoudi, H., Ferguson, L., 2006. Efficacy of foliar-applied cytokinins and nitrogen to increase floral bud retention and to reduce alternate bearing of pistachio. Acta Horticulturae 727, 353-364.
  14. Niederholzer, F., 2011. Using urea efficiently.
  15. Niederholzer, F., 2012. Nitrogen use efficiency in almonds. Sacramento Valley Almond News, April 2012.
  16. Picchioni, G.A., Brown, P.H., Weinbaum, S.A., Muraoka, T.T., 1997. Macronutrient allocation to leaves and fruit of mature, alternate-bearing pistachio trees: Magnitude and seasonal patterns at the whole-canopy level. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science 122, 267-274.
  17. Rosecrance, R.C., Weinbaum, S.A., Brown, P.H., 1996. Assessment of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium uptake capacity and root growth in mature alternate-bearing pistachio (Pistacia vera) trees. Tree Physiology 16, 949-956.
  18. Sanden, B., Fulton, A., Ferguson, L., 2005. Managing salinity, soil and water amendments. In: Ferguson, L. (Ed.) Pistachio Production Manual, 4th Edition. pp. 129-146.
  19. Schwankl, L.J., 2005. Fertigation. In: Ferguson, L. (Ed.) Pistachio Production Manual, 4th Edition. pp. 158-163.
  20. Siddiqui, M.I., Brown, P., 2013. Pistachio prediction model. A new tool in nutrient management.
  21. Siddiqui, M.I., Brown, P., 2013. Pistachio early-season sampling and in-season nitrogen application maximizes productivity, minimizes loss.
  22. Weinbaum, S.A., Picchioni, G.A., Muraoka, T.T., Ferguson, L., Brown, P.H., 1994. Fertilizer nitrogen and boron uptake, storage, and allocation vary during the alternate-bearing cycle in pistachio trees. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science 119, 24-31.
  23. Zasoski, R.J., 1994. Nitrogen efficiency in drip irrigated almonds. FREP Final Report.
  24. Zeng, Q., Brown, P.H., Huang, Z., Holtz, B.A., Hornung, C., 1999. Agronomic and economic responses of mature Kerman pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) trees to potassium applications in California. In: Pistachio Industry Annual Report 1999. pp. 84-85.


  1. Ashworth, L.J., Gaona, S.A., Surber, E., 1985. Nutritional diseases of pistachio trees: Potassium and phosphorus deficiencies and chloride and boron toxicities. Phytopathology 75, 1084-1091.
  2. Beede, R.H., Brown, P., Kallsen, C., Weinbaum, S.A., 2005. Diagnosing and correcting nutrient deficiencies. In: Ferguson, L. (Ed.) Pistachio Production Manual, 4th Edition. pp. 147-157.
  3. Beutel, J., Uriu, K., Lilleland, O., 1976. Leaf analysis for California deciduous fruits. In: Reisenauer, H.M. (Ed.) Soil and Plant-Tissue Testing in California. University of California Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1879. pp. 15-17.
  4. Brown, P., Siddiqui, I., 2012. Development of leaf sampling and interpretation methods for pistachio and development of a nutrient budget approach to fertilizer management in pistachio. Pistachio Project Final Report.
  5. Brown, P., Siddiqui, I., 2013. Update 2013: Managing pistachio nutrition: Overview. Findings & recommendations.
  6. Brown, P.H., Weinbaum, S.A., Picchioni, G.A., 1995. Alternate bearing influences annual nutrient consumption and the total nutrient content of mature pistachio trees. Trees 9, 158-164.
  7. California Plant Health Association, 2002. Western Fertilizer Handbook 9th Edition. Interstate Publishers, Inc.
  8. Doll, D., 2011. Fertilizing young almond trees – a few tips.
  9. Ferguson, L., Polito, V., Kallsen, C., 2005. The pistachio tree; botany and physiology and factors that affect yield. In: Ferguson, L. (Ed.) Pistachio Production Manual, 4th Edition. pp. 31-39.
  10. Fulton, A., 2010. Understanding and applying information from a soil test: Part 2 – NPK.
  11. Gonzalez, V., Uriu, K., 1995. Nutritional deficiency symptoms in pistachio . In: California Pistachio Industry Annual Report 1995. pp. 69-73.
  12. Holtz, B., 2010. Fertilizing one-year old trees – Be careful!
  13. Kanber, R., Yazar, A., Oender, S., Koeksal H., 1993. Irrigation response of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.). Irrigation Science 14, 7-14.
  14. Rosecrance, R.C., Weinbaum, S.A., Brown, P.H., 1996. Assessment of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium uptake capacity and root growth in mature alternate-bearing pistachio (Pistacia vera) trees. Tree Physiology 16, 949-956.
  15. Rosecrance, R.C., Weinbaum, S.A., Brown, P.H., 2002. Phosphorus and potassium nutrition of pistachio trees as affected by alternate-bearing. Better Crops 86(1), 18-22.
  16. Sanden, B., Fulton, A., Ferguson, L., 2005. Managing salinity, soil and water amendments. In: Ferguson, L. (Ed.) Pistachio Production Manual, 4th Edition. pp. 129-146.
  17. Schwankl, L.J., 2005. Fertigation. In: Ferguson, L. (Ed.) Pistachio Production Manual, 4th Edition. pp. 158-163.
  18. Serr, E.F., 1960. Walnut orchards on volcanic soils deficient in phosphorus. California Agriculture 14(6), 6-7.
  19. Serr, E.F., 1961. Nutritional deficiencies and fertilization practices in California walnut orchards. 52nd Annual Report of the Northern Nut Growers Association. pp 69-74.
  20. Siddiqui, M.I., Brown, P., 2013. Pistachio prediction model. A new tool in nutrient management.
  21. Zeng, Q., Brown, P.H., Huang, Z., Holtz, B.A., Hornung, C., 1999. Agronomic and economic responses of mature Kerman pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) trees to potassium applications in California. In: Pistachio Industry Annual Report 1999. pp. 84-85.


  1. Ashworth, L.J., Gaona, S.A., Surber, E., 1985. Verticilliium wilt of pistachio: The influence of potassium nutrition on susceptibility to infection by Verticillium dahlia. Phytopathology 75, 1091-1093.
  2. Beede, B., 2014. May, 2014 Orchard task list for pistachios.
  3. Beede, B., 2014. June, 2014 Orchard task list for pistachios. UCCE Kings County Newsletter.
  4. Beede, B., 2015. July-August, 2015 Orchard task list for pistachios. UCCE Kings County Newsletter.
  5. Beede, R.H., Brown, P., Kallsen, C., Weinbaum, S.A., 2005. Diagnosing and correcting nutrient deficiencies. In: Ferguson, L. (Ed.) Pistachio Production Manual, 4th Edition. pp. 147-157.
  6. Brown, P., Siddiqui, I., 2012. Development of leaf sampling and interpretation methods for pistachio and development of a nutrient budget approach to fertilizer management in pistachio. Pistachio Project Final Report.
  7. Brown, P., Siddiqui, I., 2013. Update 2013: Managing pistachio nutrition: Overview. Findings & recommendations.
  8. Ferguson, L., Polito, V., Kallsen, C., 2005. The pistachio tree; botany and physiology and factors that affect yield. In: Ferguson, L. (Ed.) Pistachio Production Manual, 4th Edition. pp. 31-39.
  9. Fulton, A., 2010. Understanding and applying information from a soil test: Part 2 – NPK.
  10. Gonzalez, V., Uriu, K., 1995. Nutritional deficiency symptoms in pistachio. In: California Pistachio Industry Annual Report 1995. pp. 69-73.
  11. Gonzalez, V., Uriu, K., Crane, J., 1993. Development of nutritional deficiency symptoms in pistachio. In: California Pistachio Industry Annual Report 1993. pp. 78.
  12. Kanber, R., Yazar, A., Oender, S., Koeksal H., 1993. Irrigation response of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.). Irrigation Science 14, 7-14.
  13. Rosecrance, R.C., Weinbaum, S.A., Brown, P.H., 1996. Assessment of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium uptake capacity and root growth in mature alternate-bearing pistachio (Pistacia vera) trees. Tree Physiology 16, 949-956.
  14. Rosecrance, R.C., Weinbaum, S.A., Brown, P.H., 2002. Phosphorus and potassium nutrition of pistachio trees as affected by alternate-bearing. Better Crops 86(1), 18-22.
  15. Sajjadinia, A., Bazargan, H., Hokmabadi, H., Kefayati, M.E., Rajaee, S., 2011. The investigation of the effects of 17 fertilizers treatments in the form of foliar application on qualitative characteristics of pistachio nut cultivar 'Ouhadi'. Acta Horticulturae 912, 193-196.
  16. Sanden, B., Fulton, A., Ferguson, L., 2005. Managing salinity, soil and water amendments. In: Ferguson, L. (Ed.) Pistachio Production Manual, 4th Edition. pp. 129-146.
  17. Siddiqui, M.I., Brown, P., 2013. Pistachio prediction model. A new tool in nutrient management.
  18. Zeng, Q., Brown, P.H., Fairweather, T., Holtz, B.A., 1996. Potassium nutrition of pistachio: Development of potassium diagnostic procedures and fertilizer recommendations (first year report). Pistachio Industry Annual Report 1996. Pp. 135-138.
  19. Zeng, Q., Brown, P.H., Hornung, C., Holtz, B.A., 1997. Effects of potassium application on soil potassium availability, leaf potassium status, nut yield and quality in mature pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) trees. Pistachio Industry Annual Report 1997. pp. 90-96.
  20. Zeng, Q., Brown, P.H., Huang, Z., Holtz, B.A., Hornung, C., 1999. Agronomic and economic responses of mature Kerman pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) trees to potassium applications in California. In: Pistachio Industry Annual Report 1999. pp. 84-85.
  21. Zeng, Q., Brown, P.H., Holtz, B.A., 2001. Potassium fertilization affects soil K, leaf K concentration, and nut yield and quality of mature pistachio trees. HortScience 36, 85–89.