Division of Measurement Standards (DMS)
6790 Florin Perkins Road, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95828 • 916-229-3000 • dms@cdfa.ca.govEnforcement of California weights and measures laws and regulations is the responsibility of the Division of Measurement Standards (DMS). The Division's activities are designed to:
- Ensure the accuracy of commercial weighing and measuring devices.
- Verify the quantity of both bulk and packaged commodities.
- Enforce the quality, advertising and labeling standards for most petroleum products.
The Division works closely with county sealers of weights and measures who, under the supervision and direction of the Secretary of Food and Agriculture, carry out the vast majority of weights and measures enforcement activities at the local level. Ensuring fair competition for industry and accurate value comparison for consumers are the primary functions of the county/state programs.
About DMS
Weights and Measures Touches Your Life Everyday: Courtesy of the National Conference on Weights and Measures
Getting What You Pay For at the Supermarket
Checking the Accuracy of Commercial Scales
Checking the Accuracy of Fuel Dispensers
Checking Fuel Quality
How to File a Complaint
Air and Water Complaint Form
Conversion Tables
Planning a Move?
