Rachelle Arizmendi
Public Member (Consumer)
Term Expires: January 2028

Rachelle Arizmendi is a member of the City Council of Sierra Madre. Rachelle is extensively involved in numerous local, state and national organizations and initiatives. Locally, she serves as Board Chair for the Foothill Employment Training Consortium’s Policy Board, Second Vice-President of the League of California Cities Women’s Caucus, Board President of the Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council and Board Member of Child 360. Nationally, she serves as the Secretary of the Board of the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development and a Board Member At Large for the National Community Development Financial Institution Coalition.
Rachelle is a Government Industry Advisor - Business Development Executive with Avenu Insights & Analytics. Avenu partners with state and local officials to boost revenue, optimize operations, and deepen community trust. Prior to this position, Rachelle served as the Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer of PACE (Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment).
Born in Carmel, California, Rachelle is a graduate of San Diego State University where she earned 2 Bachelor’s degrees prior to pursuing her Master’s degree at Eastern Illinois University. She continues to hold her Registered Dietitian designation and has taught Nutrition courses at Pasadena City College. Rachelle, her husband Fili, and dog Madison, have resided in Sierra Madre for over ten years. She enjoys traveling, reading, outdoor activities, and country line-dancing.