International Marketing & Trade Development
The California Department of Food and Agriculture, in collaboration with a variety of federal and state government agencies, private and non-profit trade promotion organizations, has developed an array of activities designed to assist California small businesses with export sales and international market expansion.
Partnerships with the following organizations allow California businesses to learn, connect and compete in foreign markets.
Western United States Agricultural Trade Association (WUSATA)
California, as a member state of WUSATA, coordinates a variety of international trade activities from inbound/outbound trade missions, trade shows and market promotions to help connect businesses with foreign buyers and promote products in overseas markets. Information on upcoming activities and events is available.
CA GROWN – Buy California Marketing Agreement
CA GROWN represents the best of California agriculture. Domestically and internationally, CDFA partners with CA GROWN to promote the state’s agricultural diversity and educate on the healthy aspects and quality of California food. Individual companies can leverage the value of the CA GROWN brand by licensing to use the CA GROWN logo on your products.
California State Trade Expansion Program
The California State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) helps small businesses export and enter global markets and tap into the benefits of selling their products and services overseas. California STEP organizes trade missions, delegations, and California pavilions at overseas trade shows.
California STEP also manages the California Export Voucher program. The Export Voucher program enables eligible California small businesses to apply for a reimbursement voucher to offset export-related expenses. Small businesses can receive up to $10,000 in funding for qualified export expenses.
USDA Foreign Agricultural Service
The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) links U.S. agriculture to the world to enhance export opportunities and global food security.
In addition to its Washington, D.C. staff, FAS has a global network of nearly 100 offices covering approximately 180 countries. These offices are staffed by agricultural attachés and locally hired agricultural experts who are the eyes, ears, and voice for U.S. agriculture around the world. FAS staff identify problems, provide practical solutions, and work to advance opportunities for U.S. agriculture and support U.S. foreign policy around the globe.
Josh Eddy
Phone: 916-403-6731

The Branded Program
Message from WUSATA explaining their Branded Program. (2:05)