Exit Interview Procedures

(Established February 08, 1982, Revised April 10, 1996)


It is the policy of California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) to provide separating employees the opportunity to informally give their opinions of the Department's operations. The Department recognizes that by providing this informal process, CDFA gains important information on how to improve personnel planning, program operations, training and equal employment opportunity, as well as identifying organizational strengths and weaknesses.

Every separating employee will be given the opportunity for an exit interview prior to leaving CDFA. The Employee Separation Checklist (Form SO-8) includes the check-off for an exit interview for the separating employee.

The completed SO-9 forms are to be forwarded to CDFA's Office of Civil Rights (OCR) as soon as possible after the exit interview. The OCR Office reviews the forms, takes any necessary action to follow-up on specific comments, ensuring confidentiality is maintained, if possible, and compiles the data into an annual summary provided to the Secretariat, the Training Office, and the Labor Relations Office.


The immediate supervisor of the separating employee shall:

  • Provide the employee with a copy of the Exit Interview Procedure and the Exit Interview Form (SO-9), prior to separation.
  • Notify the employee that:
    • The exit interview is encouraged, but is not mandatory.
    • The employee need not be identified and all identifying information will be kept confidential, if possible.
    • The information will not be entered in the employee's personnel file.
    • He/she may choose not to have an interview, and simply complete the form (SO-9) and mail it directly to the OCR Office.
    • The exit interview may be held with the employee and a neutral departmental representative, such as the OCR Officer or a personnel staff person. The employee may choose to include his/her immediate supervisor in the discussion.
    • The separating employee may elect to have the interview with any other supervisory or managerial person in his/her division/office.


Distribution of the above procedures includes: All Managers and Supervisors.

If you have any questions regarding the procedure, please contact the CDFA Office of Civil Rights at (916) 654-1005 or CALNET 8-464-1005.