Organic Transition Pilot Program
What is the Organic Transition Pilot Program?
The Organic Transition Pilot Program was created by the Budget Act of 2022, and is supported with $10 million in allocations from the Budget Acts of 2022 and 2023. The purpose is to provide support to farmers and ranchers who prepare land for organic certification. The program is designed as a block grant to be administered through organizations that demonstrate the expertise and partnerships needed to accomplish the program’s objectives. These objectives include disbursal of financial assistance , technical assistance, project follow-up, application assistance, business planning, and translation services. The Pilot has a strong emphasis on equity, where at least 50% of beneficiaries should be Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers. As such, it seeks to support diverse farmers and ranchers in their transition to organic production.
The Organic Transition Pilot Program is aligned with the suite of Climate Smart Agriculture incentive programs administered by CDFA’s Office of Agricultural Resilience and Sustainability. It also aligns with a Recommendation in California’s Climate Change Scoping Plan Update of 2022, the state’s roadmap for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, to expand organic acreage in California.
Financial assistance disbursed to farmers and ranchers can be spent on a wide range of eligible costs for transitioning acres to organic farming, and a field-preparation award can help to build soils for successful organic production.
Four Projects Selected for Award
CDFA has selected four organizations for award of funding for the Organic Transition Pilot Program
Who can I contact for more information?
If you have questions about the Organic Transition Pilot Program, please email
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