CDFA Training & Certification on Nutrient Management Plans
Growers will need on-the-ground technical expertise to advise them on NMP and best management practices. CDFA has identified that there is a lack of on-the-ground expertise to help growers with nutrient management plans. It has identified the California Certified Crop Advisor program, consisting of over 500 trained agronomy experts, to assist growers.
Certified Crop Advisors (CCA) get trained in general agronomy and certified as a CCA through the American Agronomy Society. CDFA is working to establish a training program, with a special certification, specific for understanding and implement NMP.
CDFA recognizes that is important to provide CCAs and other crop advisors with tools to make sound best management practice decisions to growers. The CDFA Fertilizer Research and Education Program (FREP) is home to many best management practices. The department is working to make this information more available through a user-friendly database. Learn more about this database.