California Climate Smart Agriculture
Upcoming Webinars
Previous Webinars
California and the Western Cape: Climate Adaptation in the Wine Industry (June 2022)
California and India (Jammu and Kashmir): Agricultural Rice Production and Climate Change (March 2022)
California & Portugal (Lisbon and Tagus Valley): Agricultural Technology & Collaboration (November 2021)
California and the Western Cape: Adaptation Strategies and Climate Tools (July 2021)
California and Portugal (Lisbon & Tagus Valley): Sustainable Winegrowing and Vineyard Management
California and The Western Cape: Agricultural Water-Use Efficiency
California & Denmark & The Netherlands: Dairy Methane Reduction Technologies
California & Denmark & The Netherlands: Dairy Methane Reduction Technologies
California & Denmark: Environmental and Economic Importance of Anaerobic Digestion and Renewable Natural Gas
California & Chile: Exploring On-Farm Climate Change Adaptation Strategies
California & The International Community: Looking to Soil as a Climate Smart Agricultural Strategy
California & The Netherlands: Alternative Manure Management Practices (Perspectives & Practices)
California & Chile: Opportunities for Precision Agriculture in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
California & The Netherlands: Business Opportunities of Greenhouse Horticulture as a Comprehensive Climate Smart Agriculture Solution
California & Australia: Irrigation Water Management and Technologies – A Focus on Specialty Crops
California & The Netherlands: Challenges and Opportunities for Soil Management in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.
California & The Netherlands: The Challenges and Opportunities of Dairy Farming.
California & Israel: The Extent, Development and Potential of Recycled Water Use for Specialty Crop Production.
California & The Netherlands: The Challenges & Opportunities of Saline Agriculture—a focus on specialty crops.
Climate Smart Agriculture Videos
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